Zoner Universe

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Server Commands

This denotes a required parameter e.g. /system message becomes /system Here is my message.

This denotes an optional parameter.

Command ▼


/afkSets your status to Away from Keyboard. Other players will be notified if they try to speak to you.
/acceptduelAccepts the current duel request.
/acceptffaAccept the current ffa request.
/autobuy infoGives information on the current autobuy settings for this character
/autobuy type/all on/offToggle autobuy for the specified munition type or all types. Available types are: missiles, mines, shells, torps, cm, bb and repairs.
/backRemoves the AFK status.
/bank deposit amountDeposits the amount into your bank account so you can use it on other characters.
/bank withdraw amountWithdraws the amount from your bank to your current character.
/cancelCancel the current duel/ffa request.
/coinFlip a coin. A good way to place your fate in the hands of the gods
/delignore id or delete all id2 id3 id4..Unmutes the given ID(s). Use delete all instead of an ID to reset the ignored players list
/dice xdsRoll X die with S sides
/doPrints the message in red text without your name. Fun to try and fake other players red messages.
/duel amountCreate a duel request to the targeted player. Winner gets the pot.
/factioninvite tag (or /fi)Invite all members of a faction to your group
/factionmessage tag message (or /fm)Send all online members of a faction a chat message
/ffa amountCreate an ffa and send an invite to everyone in the system. Winner gets the pot.
/givecash player amountSends some of your money to a player.
/help categoryOn it's own it will list categories of help commands. Type the command again with a category to list the commands inside it.
/idDisplay your current ID on the server
/idsDisplays a list of all online player IDs for use with $ targeting. See below for details
/ignore player p / iIgnore chat from a player. The p flag blocks only private messages and the i flag for partial matches. e.g. to block all pms from the faction noob look at the example.
/ignoreid id pIgnore chat from the player with the specified ID number. Add p at the end to only ignore private messages
/invite (or /i)Invite a player to your group.
/l messageSends a chat message to all ships in your local area
/mePrints your name plus other text to system.
/movechar name passwordMove the specified ship to your current account. Costs 2 million credits
/movecode passwordSet a password allowing you to move a ship between player accounts
/pingDisplay your estimated ping to the server
/privatemsg player message (or /pm)Send a private message to a player. If the player is offline the message will be sent as mail
/rename nameRename your current ship to the given name. This will cost 2 million credits.
/reply message (or /r)Reply to the last person who sent you a PM
/restart templateDelete the current ship and replace it with the specified template. Note this will wipe your current character completely and replace it with the template
/set chatfont size styleAllows you to configure the size of the chat font. Valid sizes are small, default and big. Valid styles are default, bold, italic and underline
/set chattime on / offTurns timestamps in chat on or off
/set diemsg valueSets which death messages to display. Valid values are all, system, self and none
/set diemsgsize small / defaultSet the size of death messages shown in chat
/showrestartsList the available restart templates for use with /restart
/target message (or /t)Send a pm to the currently targeted ship
/timeShows the current server time